Innovation That Matters

| Photo source Ever Dye

Detoxifying textiles with low-heat, low-energy biopigments 

Fashion & Beauty

The new dyeing process is faster and uses much less water

Spotted: Dyeing and finishing processes in the fashion industry are responsible for three per cent of total global carbon emissions, with most clothing brands using high-temperature systems that require energy, water, and petrochemicals to achieve the desired colours. Seeing opportunity among the waste, French biotechnology company Ever Dye turned to chemistry to create non-toxic textile dyes that work at ambient temperatures.  

Ever Dye’s patented innovation combines organic and non-organic materials that are petroleum-free. An engineered organic polymer binding agent is applied to fabrics as a pretreatment to create anchors for the pigment so that when colours made from a mix of vegetal waste and minerals are applied, they attach to those sites. No heat is used to make the colour ‘stick’, and the entire process takes around five times less time than traditional dying techniques. 

To make it as easy as possible for brands to make the switch to non-toxic and non-polluting dyes, Ever Dye customises the set-up of the process to a manufacturer’s existing machinery. As well as requiring no additional infrastructure investment, Ever Dye’s process also eliminates huge pools of toxic wastewater. Instead, a simple mechanical filter cleans the remaining water for reuse or release. Textile factories could thus use this innovation in dyeing to significantly clean up their surrounding environment. 

Springwise has spotted other ways the industry is working to clean up its carbon emissions and water polluting footprints, including eco-friendly acid-wash options for denim, and luxury wool made from recycled garments.

Written By: Keely Khoury




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